Monday, August 22, 2011

Tarot Reading - Necro deck 08/22/2011

Card of Fate : Nave of disks - Strong woman, determined. 

family life: Queen of Cups - doesnt like disruption, avoid drama, doesnt like emotional disruption
social life: Justice Reversed - lack of judgement, prejudice, bribery. Suspention, delay.
work : magician - mastery, skill, will, skillfull, dominant.
Love : Hierophant reversed - lack of honor, lack of forgiveness.
School : Ten of disks reversed - loss, robbery, gambling, debt.

Relatives : two of cups  reversed  - Sillyness, infatuation, hopeless devotion.
friends : three of wands reversed  - dissapointment, arrogance, excessive pride.
cowokers : knave of cups - kind woman, active imagination, loyal, she is a reliable companion.
lovers : knight of cups - A man with ruthless determination, his devotion to his goals can cause mistrust.
teachers : Ten of wands - Responsibility, duty, honor.


What does Janice need to know :
Cof : The Sun - Higher power, law, revelation, greatness, essential truth, stripping away shadows, wealth, value, clarity.

The Wheel Reversed : bad luck, turn for the worse, a way closes, obstrution, setback, lost oppertunities.
Temperance : Purification, renewal, blending of oppertunities. Health, the golden mean, harmony.
The Devil :  Rebellion, strength, dominance, courage, will, pride.

Ace of Wands : Purpose, intention, awakining will, beginning of an action, source, creation.
Six of disks : Power, influence, rank, title, sucess, time in the sun, material gains, just.
Three of Swords : Absence, delay, disruption, sorrow, seperation, tears, faithfullness, a promise kept, honesty. (note : Acouple each with a sword, holding hands, man on floor stabbed with 3rd sword)
